30 Contoh Surat Lamaran Kerja Bahasa Inggris Dalam Berbagai Profesi

Berikut beberapa contoh surat lamaran kerja dalam bahasa Inggris!

Seiring berjalannya waktu, jumlah perusahaan internasional yang ada di Indonesia semakin bertambah, sehingga membutuhkan surat lamaran pekerjaan dalam bahasa asing, khususnya dalam Bahasa Inggris. Menyusun surat lamaran pekerjaan dalam Bahasa Inggris memang agak sulit, terutama jika kita belum menguasai bahasa Inggris dengan baik.

Untuk itu, kalian harus mempelajari struktur dan contohnya agar kalian memiliki pengetahuan dan pemahaman tentang bagaimana cara menulis dengan efektif, mudah dimengerti dan mampu memikat perhatian HRD. Dengan demikian, kamu memiliki peluang untuk mendapatkan panggilan wawancara. Untuk lebih jelasnya, simak penjelasan di bawah ini.


  • Cara menulis surat lamaran kerja dalam bahasa Inggris yang baik dan benar yaitu Perhatikan grammar, pilih contoh yang singkat, padat dan jelas serta perhatikan strukturnya.
  • Perbedaan antara surat lamaran kerja bahasa Indonesia dan bahasa Inggris adalah tata bahasanya karena perlu memperhatikan grammarnya agar susunan kalimatnya benar sedangkan isi dan strukturnya tetap sama.
  • Struktur surat lamaran kerja yaitu Tempat dan tanggal pembuatan surat, Hal dan lampiran, Nama serta jabatan, Alamat perusahaan yang dituju, Salam pembuka, Kata pengantar, Biodata pribadi, Maksud dan tujuan, Pengalaman kerja dan skill, lampiran berkas dan Penutup

Lihat Juga : Contoh Surat Pernyataan Perjanjian Kerja

Isi tampilkan

Cara membuat surat lamaran kerja bahasa Inggris yang benar

Surat Lamaran Kerja Dengan Bahasa Inggris - Resepsionist Hotel

Berikut cara menulis surat lamaran pekerjaan dalam bahasa Inggris dengan baik dan benar agar dapat memikat perhatian HRD :

1. Pilih contoh yang singkat, padat, dan jelas

Carilah contoh surat lamaran kerja yang tidak bertele-tele, singkat, padat dan jelas untuk di jadikan referensi. Ada beberapa unsur yang perlu diperhatikan dalam menulis surat lamaran kerja seperti:

  • Nama lengkap
  • Usia
  • Posisi pekerjaan yang dilamar
  • Skill
  • Pengalaman

2. Perhatikan Grammar

Bahasa Inggris mempunyai tata bahasa yang berbeda dengan bahasa Indonesia, agar dapat menulis kalimat dengan benar, perlu memahami tata bahasa sejak awal. Jika kalian masih merasa belum menguasai bahasa Inggris dengan baik, maka kalian dapat memanfaatkan platform pemeriksa grammar secara online untuk membantu mengoreksi kesalahan tata bahasa yang salah. Berikut beberapa situs yang bisa kalian gunakan di bawah ini :

  • Grammarly
  • Becorrect
  • Grammar Check
  • Scribens
  • Reverso
  • Language Tool
  • Grammarix
  • ProWritingAid
  • White Smoke
  • Ginger Online
  • SpellCheckPlus Pro
  • Slick Write
  • Online Correction

3. Pembukaan surat lamaran kerja

Pada bagian pembukaan ini kalian bisa menyampaikan tujuannya secara langsung atau bisa juga mengawali dengan sedikit basa-basi seperti menanyakan kabar terlebih dahulu. Simak contohnya di bawah ini.

Menyampaikan tujuan secara langsung:

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing to you to inquire about the possibility of working in your company. I have noticed that your company is looking for a secretary which you have advertised in the JobVacancy Newspaper on July 10, 2020.

Mengawali dengan sedikit basa-basi:

Dear Sir/Madam,

How are you? I hope you are doing great today. Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Gamora Moore.

4. Isi Surat Lamaran Kerja

Pada bagian ini, sampaikan secara jelas terkait tujuan kamu mengirim surat lamaran kerja. Bagi fresh graduate, kamu dapat menuliskan pengalaman organisasi dan jobdesknya secara rinci. Jika kamu sudah mempunyai pengalaman kerja yang relevan dengan posisi yang dilamar, kamu bisa cantumkan untuk memberikan nilai tambah. Kamu juga bisa menguraikan beberapa keterampilan yang kamu punya sesuai dengan posisi yang kamu lamar.

5. Penutup Surat Lamaran Kerja

Pada bagian terakhir ini, kamu bisa mengungkapkan rasa antusiasme untuk menantikan informasi lebih lanjut dan berharap dapat mengikuti ke tahap berikutnya. Jangan lupa menyampaikan ucapan terima kasih dan menulis nama lengkapmu.

Lihat Juga : Contoh Surat Izin Tidak Masuk Sekolah

Struktur surat lamaran kerja

Surat Lamaran Kerja Dengan Bahasa Inggris - Staff Finance

Struktur adalah hal yang perlu diperhatikan agar surat lamaran pekerjaan bisa tersusun dengan baik. Berikut strukturnya di bawah ini :

  • Tempat tanggal pembuatan surat
  • Hal dan lampiran
  • Nama serta jabatan
  • Alamat perusahaan yang dituju
  • Salam pembuka
  • Kata pengantar
  • Biodata pribadi
  • Maksud dan tujuan
  • Pengalaman kerja dan skill
  • Lampiran surat lamaran
  • Penutup

Lihat Juga : Contoh Surat Pribadi Untuk Sahabat

Contoh surat lamaran kerja Bahasa Inggris dalam berbagai profesi

Surat Lamaran Kerja Dengan Bahasa Inggris - Sekretaris

Berikut 30 contoh surat lamaran kerja dalam bahasa Inggris dalam berbagai profesi yang bisa dijadikan referensi. Untuk lebih jelasnya, simak contohnya di bawah ini :

1. Surat Lamaran Kerja Bahasa Inggris – Resepsionis Hotel

Jakarta, July 6, 2020

Mr. Evans
Head of Human Resource Division
PT. Star Lab
Jl. Sudirman No 564
Jakarta, 12046

Dear Mr. Evans,

Based on the advertising on Glints, posted on June 28, 2020 about the job as Receptionist in your hotel, I would like to volunteer to fill the position.

I have completed my undergraduate program in the field of telecommunication and tourism at Telkom University Bandung, and I believe I have the perfect skills required for the job.

I am 25 years old and had worked as a receptionist for 3 years at Parahyangan Hotel.
I can speak 3 foreign languages including English and Chinese.
In addition, I am well adapted to operate any kinds of gadgets in a hotel.

For your consideration, I have attached a curriculum vitae.
I am looking forward to the interview so I can explain my skills and abilities in person with you.

Best regards,

Amaya Sadita

2. Surat Lamaran Kerja Bahasa Inggris – Staf Finance

August 21, 2020

Head of HRD
PT Semesta Alam

With respect,

Based on the information I received from a , PT Semesta Alam has a job opening as Finance Staff.
In connection with that, I would like to apply for said position.

Here is my brief biography:

Name : Surya Palarea
Gender: Male
Date of Birth: Medan, 6 Mei 1991
Education: S1 Economy
Phone number: 083627846665
Email: [email protected]

I can speak English both oral and verbal.
I also have the skill to operate software for the office that I believe would assist in the work.

For your consideration, I have also attached multiples such as:

  1. Curriculum Vitae
  2. Copy of transcript
  3. Photocopy of Diploma
  4. Latest 3×4 photograph
  5. ID Government copy

I hope I can get the chance to follow the next test so I can talk about my abilities and skills in person with you.
Thank you for the attention.

Best Regards,

Surya Palarea

3. Surat Lamaran Kerja Bahasa Inggris – Staf Akuntan

July 21, 2020

Siska Feriska
Head of HRD
PT Mentari Kuningan
Jl. Kuningan No 34

Dear Ms. Siska,

This letter is written in reference to the job posting of staff accountant, and I am please to send you my application and resume.
I was very glad to know about the job opening, as I had worked as an accountant for 3 years before.

I completed my bachelor degree in accounting from Universitas Indonesia, and I also have a C.P.A.
I worked with Luthor Corp and had successfully handled the accounting books and financial records for more than 100 different public sector municipalities.
As you know from my resume, I had also played a large number of key roles in the position of staff accountant, and I would love to work with the same energy with you in the future.

I would really appreciate it if you could organize a meeting as per your convenience.
You can reach me through my email at [email protected] or call me at 081320638846.

Thank you for devoting your most valuable time to read my resume and job application.
I wish you a very wonderful day.

Best Regards,

Bayu Laksmana

4. Surat Lamaran Kerja Bahasa Inggris – Sekretaris

August 9, 2020

HR Department
Head Office of Bank Mandiri Indonesia
Jl. Telaga No 45

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing to you to ask about the possibility of working in your company that is informed by your website.
I am interested in a position as a secretary.

My name is Puji Tyas Ningsih and I am 25 years old.
I have a background in Diploma III computer accounting at Polytechnic Medan.

With my education background, I am confident that my qualifications and skills can contribute significantly to Bank Mandiri.
I am capable of operating various computer softwares, including Microsoft Office packages and MYOB.
In addition to that, I am a hardworking person who can work independently or in a team.
I can also take the initiative and very eager to learn under anyone’s guidance.

I have attached my resume along with this letter.
I hope you can give me the chance to go through an interview so I can chat with you in person very soon.
Thank you for your valuable time.

Best regards,

Puji Tyas Ningsih

5. Surat Lamaran Kerja Bahasa Inggris – Ahli Geologi

Mrs. Shabrina Zatalini
Talent Acquisition
PT Bintang Infrastruktur Utama
234 Sudirman Business District Center
Salemba Baru, South Jakarta, 12190

Dear Mrs. Zatalini,

Based on the information I received from one of the job seeker platforms on March 12 2022, your company is hiring for Geologist and I am very interested in this job.

My educational background is a bachelor’s degree of Science in Geology Engineering, Bantul State University. I had many practical experiences and exposure during my study. I have acquainted myself with a range of skills that would allow me to blend with your corporation.

From your vacancy, I can see that you are looking for candidates who have excellent skills that are relevant to geo-environmental engineering. I have a thorough knowledge of the processes of construction in ground exploration projects, and drilling systems and also excellent Interpersonal and communication skills. So, I think the job description for that position matches my last education.

Along with the cover letter, I have already attached the documents; Curriculum vitae, last diploma, and health record certificate for your full consideration. Don’t hesitate to contact me via email at [email protected] if you have any further questions. I appreciate your time reviewing my application, and I really hope to get a chance to the next stage and give a positive contribution to your company.

Thus this job application letter I made truthfully. Thank you for your attention.

Bryan Nurliansyah

Lihat Juga : Contoh Dialog Bahasa Inggris Singkat

6. Surat Lamaran Kerja Bahasa Inggris – Sekretaris

Malang, 5th January 2022

Attention to:

Hiring Manager
BXC Company
Buah Batu, Malang

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing to you to inquire about the possibility of working in your company. I have noticed that your company is looking for a Secretary which you have advertised in the jobmalang.com.

I believe that I meet all the requirements that your company needs. As a fresh graduate in Public Administration from Sebelas Maret University, I have great knowledge about operating computers, especially MYOB. I have job experience in PT Bank BIN Yogyakarta Branch for 2 years.

My CV has been attached which outlines all my qualifications in detail. I would appreciate every opportunity to discuss myself and continue the next recruitment process. I will look forward to hearing from you soon. Thank you.



7. Surat Lamaran Kerja Bahasa Inggris – Fresh Graduate

Surabaya, January 21st 2022

Attention To:

Mr. Joshua N.B. Nababan, S.E.
Resources Manager of PT. ANTEM (Persero) Tbk Gedung Aneka Tambang
Jl. Letjen TB Simatupang No. 4 Lingkar Selatan, Tanjung Barat
Jakarta 12530, Indonesia 

Dear Mr. Joshua N.B. Nababan, S.E., I have read from your advertisement on website (www.lokernyabumn.info), January 20, 2022 that your company is looking for employees to hold some position. Based on the advertisement, I am writing to express my interest in applying for a job in your company as Accounting staff.

I am a fresh graduate from Sepuluh November University Surabaya, Faculty of Economy and Business, majoring in Accounting with a total GPA 3.60 of 4.00. I see myself as a disciplined person, a hard worker, and I have good time management. I believe I can do my best and give a positive contribution to your company. I have excellent communication skills and I can work well, both individually and within a team.

I would be very happy if given the opportunity to be able to follow the next stage of admission, to discuss my qualifications and the possibility of joining your company. My Curriculum Vitae is enclosed along this letter and you may review it for further information. 

Thank you very much for your attention.

Sincerely yours, 

Septian Setia

8. Surat Lamaran Kerja Bahasa Inggris – Sekretaris

Jakarta, June 1st, 2021

Attention To:

Head Manager PT BBG Holdings

Blok M Gedung BCD Lt. 6, Jakarta 

Dear Sir/Madam,

Based on the information I have received from an Instagram post on December 28th 2021, about a job vacancy advertisement at BBG head office, I found that your company is looking for an experienced employee in the secretary position. I consider myself to be qualified for the job. I have an educational background that fit with the job with 3 years’ experience as a personal secretary in a law firm office in Jakarta.

I got my bachelor degree in administration from Malang University, Jakarta 4 years ago. I can work both independently or as a team. I am a hard worker who always wants to progress and grow and also, I am eager to learn. Furthermore, I have good knowledge of Microsoft Office as well as other secretarial software, and I do communicate in English, either spoken or written. I have enclosed my curriculum vitae herewith:

Name : Adinda Rahma

Place/Date of Birth : Jakarta, October 21st 1993

Address : Panglima Polim Raya St, Salemba Baru, South Jakarta 12160

Email : [email protected]

Marital Status : Not Married

Last Education : Bachelor Degree of Administration (S1)

I look forward to hearing from you soon and I hope to become a part of your company. Thank you for the attention.


Adinda Rahma

9. Surat Lamaran Kerja Bahasa Inggris – Administrasi

March 13th 2019

To: Mr. Herwanto

HR Manager
ABC Company
Jaya Baya No. 4W
Jakarta, 40123

Dear Mr. Herwanto,

I am writing this letter in regards to the office administrator position opening advertised on your company’s website. With my experience and knowledge about administration, I believe I am the right applicant for this position.

I graduated from Nusa Buana University of Administration last year with a bachelor’s degree in office administration. As soon as I graduated, I did an internship at Genta Company for six months. During that time, I was part of the Junior Project Team. My tasks included scheduling, writing a report, organizing documents, and doing administrative functions daily. Although it was only a short time, the internship sharpened my communication, team work, and problem solving skills which I believe are the most important qualities for an administrator to have.

I also possess extensive computer skills. I could operate a variety of technological tools and software, ranging from basic office software such as Microsoft Office, Google Docs and Sheets to scheduling programs such as Microsoft and Google calendaring software. I could also operate office equipment such as scanners, printers, faxes, and photocopiers. I am sure that my technical knowledge would allow me to work effectively and efficiently for your company.

Thank you for taking time to consider and to review my job application. It is my sincere hope that we will discuss this job further in an interview. I hope to hear from you soon.

Best Regards,

Rani Wulandari

10. Surat Lamaran Kerja Bahasa Inggris – Content Creator

10 Agustus, 2019

Mrs Mary Stevens
Hiring Manager, ABC Company
Tebet, Jakarta

Dear Mrs Stevens,

1 am excited to be appiying for the Digital Content Creator position at Topdown Marketing. I have a degree in Journalism and more than three years of experience writing for online publications. I am confident that I have the skills and experience you are looking for in this role.

In my previous role as a Staff Writer at Buzzfeed, i wrote more than 1,000 articles on a wide range of topics. 1 am an expert at creating content that is both informative and engaging, and I have a proven track record of producing content that receives high levels of engagement on social media. I am also experienced in creating video content, and i have a strong understanding of the principles of SEO and how to optimize content for search engines.

Most importantly, I am passionate about writing and | have a strong desire to help businesses create content that engages their audiences. I am excited to learn about Topdown Marketing’s approach to content marketing and to help contribute my skills and experience to your team.

Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to hearing from you soon.


Jane Rubby

Lihat Juga : Contoh Ucapan Selamat Wisuda Bahasa Inggris

11. Surat Lamaran Kerja Bahasa Inggris – Teler Bank

To : HRD of Bank BNI
Jendral Sudirman Street No 28
West Java

Dear Sir/Madam,

Let me introduce myself, my name is Amber Mutiara, I am twenty six years old. I have graduated from Management Accounting Department of Padjajaran University. I consider myself that I have qualifications as Bank Teller.

I have good motivation for progress and growing, eager to learn, and can work as a team or by individual. Besides that, I have adequate ability on computer skill, and some tax counting. With my qualifications, I would express my gratitude for your attention and I hope I could follow your recruitment test luckily.
As a consideration, I attach for supported data:
1. Curriculum Vitae
2. Photo
3. Copy ID Card
4. Copy of Bachelor Degree Certificate
5. Copy Academic Transcript
I hope for give a chance interview and can explain more all about myself. On attention and I wish say thank you.


Amber Mutiara

12. Surat Lamaran Kerja Bahasa Inggris – Staf HRD

Dear HR Department PT Garudafood,

As I saw your job vacancy on jobstreet.com, so I am writing this resume to fill an experienced HR Staff position. My name is Arif Rahman Hakim, I’am 28 years old.

I have 2,5 years of experience in Human Resources, and I have a large experience as an HR Staff with Indofood Company. In my current job position with Indofood Company, I am responsible for supporting the implementation and development of HR systems and initiatives. I am also actively involved in recruitment by preparing jobs details, posting advertisements, and managing the recruitment process.

During my career, I have gained a specialist’s understanding of HR functions such as pay & benefits, recruitment, training, and HR Management software. In addition to this, I will be able to maintain the peak level of work and principled standards as a team member of your organization.

I am sure you’ll find my application to be in order and welcome a chance to meet with you to discuss my qualifications. Please do not hesitate to contact me anytime. Thank you and I look forward to speaking with you.


Arif Rahman Hakim

13. Surat Lamaran Kerja Bahasa Inggris – Sosial Media Spesialis

Jakarta, April 25th 2022
Human Resources Department
Els Coffee
Wr Supratman Street, No 70
Bandar Lampung

Dear Sir/Madam,

I have noticed about your company. I’d like to apply as one of Social Media Specialist on your company. My name is Tara Budiman; I am 23 years of age and single.

As a recently graduated Communication Science major of the Telkom University, I am thrilled at the opportunity to work as Social Media Specialist in Els Coffee. I have a strong passion for content in social media, and with my education, I am confident that working in your company field will give me not only the chance to share my knowledge with others but also the opportunity to learn from the practical experience and its surroundings.
As consideration, I attached :

  1. Copy of Certificate
  2. Copy of Ijazah
  3. Photo
  4. Curriculum Vitae

I have great personality; I can cooperate with other people (teamwork). In addition, I likewise can communicate in English great.I am anticipating got notification from you sooner rather than later. Much obliged to you for your thought and consideration.
Sincerely yours,

Tara Budiman

14. Surat Lamaran Kerja Bahasa Inggris Via Email – Jurnalis

To: HRD detik.com
Cc: –
Subject: Nadif Faeza-Journalist

Dear Human Resources team of Detikcom

My name is Nadif Faeza, a professional Journalisr. I’ve got information that detikcom is open hiring, and I am interested in getting an opportunity for the journalist position.

According to that, I know that the combination of my experience and motivation to deliver good information to the public will make me a potential candidate for the position. I’ve experience and skills in writing, journalistic, and research.

My last job was as a reporter in newspaper. I was responsible for making articles, coverage, and writing the latest news. I have a focus on technology and lifestyle issues. Those experiences and skills I thought could have contributed to fulfilling the jobs. With that being said, in this email I attached my curriculum vitae and portfolio.

I have a big hope that I could have a chance to interview with detikcom team. Thank you for your time and consideration.

Best regards

Nadif Faeza(08112233445)

15. Surat Lamaran Kerja Bahasa Inggris – Customer Service

Dear Mr. /Mrs. / Miss / HR Department
PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia

As I saw your listing on JobsDB.com, so I am writing this resume cover letter for an experienced Customer Service staff position. My Name is Detia Adiguna. I’am 29 years old.

I have 3 years experience in Customer Service, and I have a large experience as an Customer Service staff with PT PLN Persero. In my current position with PT PLN Persero, I am responsible for managing incoming calls and customer service inquiries. I also identifying and assessing customers’ needs to achieve satisfaction.

In addition to this, you can be guaranteed that I will maintain the top level of work and principled standards as a team member of your organization.

I am sure you’ll find my credentials to be in order and welcome a chance to meet with you in person to discuss my qualifications. Please do not hesitate to contact me at your convenience. Thank you for your time and I look forward to speaking with you.


Lihat Juga : Ukuran Pas Foto Sesuai Standar

16. Surat Lamaran Kerja Bahasa Inggris – Project Manager

30 February, 2020

Jacob Handaya
Human Resources Manager
Ruang Rindu Pte Ltd Head Office
Zip Code 321 Employment St. Singapore

Dear Mr. Handaya,

I saw the job vacancy advertisement on LinkedIn. Through this letter, I would like to express my interest in the PM position at your company. I have a highly skilled project manager with 8 years of experience. My experience aligns well, as I have worked in project management for several years, and I know I would make a valuable addition to your team.

After working for nearly a decade in project management, I have advanced knowledge in developing scopes, keeping projects moving, submitting deliverables on time, and ensuring a seamless experience for all parties involved. Besides that, while my previous position afforded me a well-rounded skill-set, and time efficiency skills, I excel at:

Planning and executing project scopes, managing timelines, and deadlines.

Tracking and reporting on overall progress.

Manage daily operations of brand new programs and metric the objective.

Predict project revenue and ensure all goals are met.

In addition to my experience and relationship-building experience, I have a solid educational foundation, a critical person, a disciplined person, excellent communication skills, and a passion for furthering projects that build loyalty, and in turn, will grow revenue for your organization. I very much appreciate the opportunity to contribute to your ongoing growth and continued success.

Thank you for reviewing my attached application for additional details regarding my expertise and achievements. Don’t hesitate to reach out to me by WhatsApp at 1234567889 or email at [email protected] if you have any questions or need further clarification on my experience.’ i would love to meet with you and discuss this position in detail.

Thank you for your attention.

Joni Iskandar

17. Surat Lamaran Kerja Bahasa Inggris – Supervisor

Jakarta, December 24, 2022

Human Resource Development PT Airin Beauty Aesthetic
Antapani, Bandung

Dear Hiring Manager,

With good skills in leadership and an experience as Supervisor, I am writing to express my interest and develop my career path to be Supervisor at Airin Beauty Aesthetic as published on the owner’s Instagram account (Mrs. Lala Nirmala). I believe my skills and background are suitable for the position, as I have worked in PT Mouza Sinergi Indonesia to lead 8 people on a team for around 8 months.

Other than that, I successfully built a team in PT Linimuda Inspirasi Negeri (startup) in the editorial and community division which currently has 4 people of a team and has been running for more than a year. While my previous experience afforded me a well-rounded skill set, including excellent time management and relationship building, I excel at:

Create a job desc for each team member and ensure that all teams work on a track with goals.

Conduct monthly evaluations and determine what improvements will be made within each quarter.

In addition to my experiences and skills, I have a Bachelor’s degree in Communication and Islamic Broadcasting honored as a Cum Laude graduate from State Islamic University of Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung in the year 2021. I would much appreciate the opportunity to contribute to your ongoing growth and continued success.

As someone who values quality leadership, loyal, and has a high eagerness to learn I am looking forward to learning more about the Supervisor at Airin Beauty Aesthetic. Kindly review the attached applications for additional details regarding my expertise and achievements. Do not hesitate to reach out to me through email at [email protected] with any questions regarding my application. Thank you for your time and consideration.

Best regards,
Intan Aulia Husnunnisa

18. Surat Lamaran Kerja Bahasa Inggris – Content Writer

December 28, 2021

Human Resources Manager of Creatify Digital
Jakarta, Indonesia

Dear Hiring Manager,

As a highly skilled content writer with a year of experience and a great track record, I am interested in applying for the Content Writer position at Creatify Digital as published on LinkedIn.

I believe my skills and background are suitable for the position, as I have worked as a Website Content lead at PT Luar Biasa Hebat. My team and I successfully generated 20 thousand website traffic within 3 months organically through keyword research and content experimentation. While my previous experience afforded me a well-rounded skill set, including excellent time management and relationship building, I excel at:

Writing and editing reader-friendly articles on various topics, such as education, career development, entertainment, etc.

Managing and scheduling daily content and articles on social media and digital platforms.

Researching appropriate, suitable, and trending keywords for articles and social media content.

In addition to my experiences and skills, I have a Bachelor’s Degree in Communication and Islamic Broadcasting and was successfully honored as a Cum Laude graduate from the State Islamic University of Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung in the year 2018. I would much appreciate the opportunity to contribute to your ongoing growth and continued success.

As someone who values quality content creation, I am looking forward to learning more about the Content Writer position at Creatify Digital. Below I attached several supporting documents such as a curriculum vitae and proof of English proficiency, as well as a portfolio for your consideration. Please contact me at 345678 or email at [email protected] if you need more information.

Thus this application letter I made truthfully. Thank you.

Best regards,
Intan Aulia Husnunnisa

19. Surat Lamaran Kerja Bahasa Inggris – Marketing Staff

Bandung, 5 September 2020

The Honorable,
Head Of Human Resources Development
PT TK Industrial Indonesia
Desa Belendung, Cibogo
Subang – Indonesia

Dear Hiring Manager,

This email is in regard to my interest in applying for the Business Unit Staff position recently posted through your Instagram Account. With my skill set and competencies, I am really motivated to apply for this. It is an honor to be part of PT TK Industrial Indonesia.

My name is Ricardinho Tahu, 23 years old and single, S1 degree from Terbuka University Bandung, majoring in Communication in September 2018, with a 3,67 GPA. I want to offer my competencies in communication, creativity, networking, and management. I also can work under pressure, I have multitasking ability.

I have attached my CV including my academic skills order I can work as a team in your company PT TK Industrial Indonesia. Hopefully, it could be considered me to get this opportunity. Please contact me at 345678 or email at [email protected] if you need more information. Thank you for your attention and consideration. Glad to hear from you soon.

Ricardinho Tahu

20. Surat Lamaran Kerja Bahasa Inggris – Business Development

Bandung, September 5, 2020

Head of Human Resources
PT Kencana Industrial Materials
Kemang Village, Sukabumi
West Java, Indonesia

Dear Hiring Manager,

Regarding information that I’ve got about PT Bahan Industri Kencana which opened a job vacancy on the official Instagram @industrikencana as a Business Development team, I, the undersigned, Shin Tae-Yong interested to apply for the position.

I graduated from college in 2022 from a Master of Management of Technology with a GPA of 3.90 from Pelita Presiden University. I saw that the requirements desired by the company match my current qualifications. While in college, I ran a project to help with the business strategy of one of the MSMEs in Bandung and managed to increase sales by 50% within 3 months compared to the previous period.

In addition, I also have a strong ability in the field of Data Analitycs to see the company’s business opportunities. Based on this experience, I was interested in joining PT Bahan Industri Kencana and contributing to business development through a digital approach.

Here I attach some supporting files that can be considered in this process. I hope to be able to get the opportunity to discuss further in the interview session with Mr./Ms. Recruiter. Do not hesitate to reach out to me through email at [email protected] with any questions regarding my application.

Thank you for your attention.

Shin Tae-Yong

Lihat Juga : Template Jas Wanita Pas Foto

21. Surat Lamaran Kerja Bahasa Inggris – Manager

1st, January 2023

Fikriah Amel
IT Specialist
[email protected]
0221 567 8976

Bhisyril Nichole,
Hiring Manager at Astra Company

Dear Mr. Nichole,

As an IT manager with 6+ years of experience, I was excited to see the opening at Astra Company. In my previous role as IT project manager at Linite Solutions, I saved the company over $200,000 per year in unnecessary IT expenses. I’m eager to apply my expertise to helping Astra maximize its revenue and achieve its goal of becoming an industry leader.

It takes the right blend of technical, communication, and leadership skills to succeed as an IT manager, especially at a rapidly developing company like Astra. Here are a few of my professional achievements to illustrate my suitability for this role:

Planned and successfully executed over 20 large-scale projects, including 4 blockchain solutions, each worth over $350,000 in revenue.

Initiated a company-wide IT update comprising both hardware and software, resulting in a 24% improvement in efficiency.

Led an Agile team of 17 IT professionals working on up to 4 projects at a time.

Astra’s focus on driving innovation through proprietary AI solutions sets it apart from the competition. The concept of combining AI solutions with blockchain-enabled platforms has immense potential, and it would be incredibly exciting to contribute to the company’s goal of providing automated, decentralized systems for businesses and individuals.

I’m eager to discuss in more detail how my skills and experience can be leveraged to drive innovation and maximize efficiency at Astra Company.

Thank you for your attention.

Best regards,
Fikriah Amel

22. Surat Lamaran Kerja Bahasa Inggris – Sales Executive

26th, January 2023

Jack Wilson
Sales and Marketing Executive
0221 5334 879

David Munoz,
Hiring Manager at Sampoerna Company

Dear Mr. Munoz,

With this letter and the attached resume, I would like to express my sincere interest in the sales and marketing executive position you have available. As an accomplished and successful sales professional with more than 17 years of experience driving sales enhancement and achieving sustained revenue increases, I possess a wide range of knowledge and talents that will allow me to contribute toward the success of your company.

My expertise lies in successfully developing and implementing effective sales strategies, directing large-scale marketing campaigns, and managing personal, trusting client relationships to maximize company profits. Throughout my career, I have achieved distinction as a top sales performer, consistently receiving recognition for outperforming quotas and surpassing corporate goals. Additionally, my proficiency in various social media channels and outlets positions me to make a significant impact on your company’s exposure and bottom line.

The following achievements demonstrate my qualification for this position:

Maintaining a record of ranking within the top five salespeople for the past 12 years as the director of sales and marketing for Windbreaker International; recognized as “Salesperson of the Year” on six separate occasions.

Leveraging keen sales acumen, forward-thinking marketing strategies, and alliance-building skills to capture top-producing sales contracts and realize sustained revenue growth.

Directing new client acquisition, market research, competitive analysis, and successful marketing initiatives to stimulate revenue growth, increased brand recognition, and improved go-to-market strategies.

Spearheading the development of highly effective marketing collateral to ensure optimal product messaging and positioning.

Developing and delivering high-impact sales presentations while applying customer-focused sales tactics to win new business and close deals.

Utilizing social media tools – including Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram – to capture brand interest and boost engagement and conversation with customers.

Establishing solid and trusting partnerships through exceptional relationship management abilities.

My proven record of driving highly profitable sales successes and realizing significant revenue increases will contribute immensely to the success of Sampoerna Company. Thank you for your consideration; I look forward to speaking with you soon.

Jack Wilson

23. Surat Lamaran Kerja Bahasa Inggris – Guru

10th December, 2022

123 Asian Street
Los Angeles, US
521 556 441

Devi Collins,
Hiring Manager at Pelita School

Dear Ms. Collins,

I was delighted to learn of your opening for an English Teacher through my former colleague, Linda Brown. I first met Linda at Evergreen Academy where we worked closely to mentor students with behavioral challenges and eventually integrated a schoolwide mindfulness program.

I’m currently a teacher at the DREAM School and have 5+ years of experience teaching English Language Arts to students in 2nd through 6th grade. My experience in mentoring students and modernizing curriculum makes me an excellent candidate to support your school’s mission of fostering individual growth and curiosity through an exploratory curriculum.

My strong initiative and ability to cater to a diverse range of learners allow me to thrive in a challenging teaching environment. Specifically, some of my greatest professional successes include:

Increasing reading levels by an average of 2 grade levels through engaging multiple modalities, creating fun reading challenges, and encouraging student-led reading

Encouraging my students to be dreamers and lifelong learners with a personalized approach to teaching that instills confidence in their abilities and potential

I welcome the opportunity to personally discuss how my strengths can serve your students. I’m equally reachable at 521 556 441 or [email protected] to review my qualifications in greater detail.

Sarah Lily

24. Surat Lamaran Kerja Bahasa Inggris – Videografer

John Doe
123 Main Street
Anytown, USA 12345
(555) 555-5555
[email protected]

April 18, 2023

Jane Smith
Hiring Manager
XYZ Productions
456 Broadway
New York, NY 10001

Dear Ms. Smith,

I am writing to express my strong interest in the position of Videographer at XYZ Productions, as advertised on your website. With my extensive experience in videography and passion for creating high-quality visual content, I am confident that I would be an excellent addition to your team.

In my previous role as a freelance videographer, I have honed my skills in video shooting, editing, post-production, and color grading. My portfolio showcases my ability to create engaging and visually stunning videos that effectively convey a brand’s message. With over five years of experience in the industry, I am proficient in using industry-standard tools such as Adobe Premiere Pro and After Effects.

I am also a creative individual who constantly seeks to innovate and experiment with new ideas and techniques. I have worked on various projects for different clients and industries, from corporate videos to music videos. My passion for storytelling and visual communication, combined with my technical proficiency, makes me a strong candidate for the position of Videographer.

I am excited about the prospect of joining XYZ Productions and contributing to the creation of high-quality visual content. I am confident that my skills and experience in videography, combined with my creativity and passion for the field, would enable me to thrive in your team. I am eager to work alongside other talented professionals to deliver exceptional visual content for your clients.

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the opportunity to discuss my qualifications further. Please feel free to contact me at (555) 555-5555 or [email protected] if you need any additional information or to schedule an interview.


John Doe

25. Surat Lamaran Kerja Bahasa Inggris – Magang Public Relation

Taufiq Sayati
123 Jalan Utama
Jakarta Selatan, 12345
+62 812 3456 7890
[email protected]

April 18, 2023

Jane Smith
Human Resources Manager
ABC Agency
456 Jalan Jenderal Sudirman
Jakarta Selatan, 12190

Dear Ms. Smith,

I am writing to express my interest in the Public Relations Internship position at ABC Agency, as advertised on your website. As a senior studying communications at XYZ University, I am eager to gain hands-on experience in the field of public relations.

I am impressed with ABC Agency’s reputation for developing successful campaigns and your dedication to helping clients achieve their goals. Your recent campaign for [client name] caught my attention, and I was impressed by the results you achieved.

Throughout my academic career, I have developed strong communication, research, and writing skills, which I believe would be an asset to your team. I am also proficient in social media platforms and experienced in creating and executing social media campaigns.

In addition to my academic achievements, I have completed several internships in the communication field. During my internship at [previous company or organization], I assisted with media relations, developed social media content, and coordinated events. These experiences have provided me with a solid foundation in public relations and a strong understanding of the importance of building relationships with stakeholders.

I am excited about the opportunity to join ABC Agency’s team and contribute to the development of successful campaigns for your clients. Thank you for considering my application. Please feel free to contact me if you need any further information.


Taufiq Sayati

Lihat Juga : Template Jas Pria Pas Foto

26. Surat Lamaran Kerja Bahasa Inggris – Content Creator Tik Tok

June, 23rd 2023

Budi Hartono
Human Resources Manager
XYZ Creative Agency
789 Jalan Sudirman
Jakarta Selatan, 12190

Dear Mr. Hartono,

I am writing to apply for the TikTok Content Creator position at XYZ Creative Agency, as advertised on your website. As a passionate content creator with a strong interest in social media, I believe that I would make an excellent addition to your team.

Throughout my academic and professional career, I have developed a wide range of skills that I believe would be beneficial in this role. With a Bachelor’s degree in Communication Studies and experience working as a freelance content creator, I have honed my skills in video production, storytelling, and social media marketing. I have also developed a keen eye for identifying and capitalizing on social media trends and an ability to create engaging content that resonates with audiences.

As a frequent user of TikTok, I am familiar with the platform’s best practices and trends, and I have experience creating content that performs well on the platform. I am confident that my skills and experience, combined with my passion for content creation and social media, would allow me to excel in this role.

Thank you for considering my application. I have attached my resume and portfolio for your review. I look forward to the opportunity to discuss how I can contribute to XYZ Creative Agency’s mission of creating impactful and engaging content for your clients.


Amelia Malik

27. Surat Lamaran Kerja Bahasa Inggris – Live Streamer

April 30, 2023

Ahmad Faisal
Human Resources Manager
XYZ Gaming Company
123 Jalan Merdeka
Jakarta Barat, 11480

Dear Mr. Faisal,

I am writing to apply for the Live Streamer position at XYZ Gaming Company, as advertised on your website. As a passionate gamer and experienced live streamer, I am excited about the opportunity to join your team and contribute to your mission of creating engaging content for your audience.

With over 3 years of experience as a live streamer on various platforms, I have developed a strong understanding of what makes content engaging and entertaining. I am well-versed in gaming trends and have experience creating content for a variety of games and genres. In addition, I have experience with content creation software and hardware, including OBS, Streamlabs, and professional-grade microphones and cameras.

As a frequent viewer of XYZ Gaming Company’s streams, I am impressed by the quality of your content and your commitment to engaging with your audience. I would be honored to be a part of your team and help contribute to your success.

Thank you for considering my application. I have attached my resume and a link to my portfolio for your review. I am excited about the opportunity to discuss how I can contribute to XYZ Gaming Company’s mission and create engaging content for your audience.


Gina Nisa

28. Surat Lamaran Kerja Bahasa Inggris – Digital Marketing Manager

 Brigita Angel

Jl. Mayjen Yono Suwono, Surabaya
[email protected]
Linkedin : Brigita Angel Jayanegoro

Dear Hiring Manager,

I am Brigita, with a bachelor’s degree in Business from XXX University. I am writing this letter to express my interest in your posting on LinkedIn for the Digital Marketing Manager. I consider myself a highly-focused and self-motivated person, and I am excited with the opportunity to showcase my technical skills with your company.

As a student, I have used your products for two years. As an EdTech Company, Semesta Alam had given positive transformation to Indonesian education. Along with the development of the internet, more and more Indonesians can access education wherever and whenever. I believe that in the future, as Indonesians become well-educated, we can grow together and become a big and developed country. It would be wonderful if I have the opportunity to grow and work together to reach this goal with Semesta Alam.

During my previous role at the digital marketing agency, I have cultivated ability of social media campaign, SEO copywriting and advertising strategy. In 2017, I planned a campaign and led to 250.000 increase of new Instagram followers in two weeks. By the end of 209, I have enhanced overall keyword ranking of the website from 96th to 15th, by adopting new content strategies and SEO, which attracted thousands of traffic and potential clients and brought 200,000 new registered users. I am proficient in Google Analytics, Google Ads, Facebook Ads and WordPress.

With the experience and achievements, I strongly believe that I will be a great fit of this position. The document attached is my CV, and feel free to contact me anytime via mobile and email if there are further questions. I am looking forward to speaking with you for more detail of this opportunity.

Thank you for your time and consideration.


Brigita angel

29. Surat Lamaran Kerja Bahasa Inggris – Staff Marketing

Contact Person                                            
Company Name
City, State, Zip Code

Dear Contact Person,

This letter is to express my interest in the job posted on your website for marketing position with ABC Marketing Group. I believe that my education and employment experiences make me an ideal candidate for the position.

During my tenure at XYZ College, I developed a passion for marketing and public relations. I have sought out multiple opportunities to develop my marketing skills.

For example, last summer, I interned at the National Sculpture Society in New York City.

My position entailed developing web pages and slideshows publicizing the success of the society’s artists. I was able to utilize my web authoring skills to assist the organization in their goal to promote sculpture.

I believe that my experiences in marketing and my interpersonal skills make me a prime candidate for this position. 

Thank you very much for considering my application for candidacy. I will follow up within a week to confirm that all of my materials were received and hopefully set up an interview time.

Best Regards,

Your Signature (written letter)

Your Name

30. Surat Lamaran Kerja Bahasa Inggris – Perawat

Sukoharjo, 2nd July 2023
To : 
Mr Husain
Head of Human Resource Division
Seniorita Hospital
Jln. Solobaru No.212 Sukoharjo 56772

Dear Mr. Husain,

I am writing to apply for the Nurse position with Seniorita Hospital. I am a recent nursing graduate form Seniorita Health College. In my studies and clinical experience, I have learned such topics as anatomy handling of biohazard material assessment, giving injections, patient treatment, sanitation medicine dispensing and more.

I am organized and efficient with a strong sense of time management able to prioritize tasks accordingly. My interpersonal skills are excellent and I love interacting with people of all backgrounds. I am very knowledgeable about nursing protocol having scored in the top 10% of my class and I am ready to put my skills to work. My clinical supervisor has commended me on my interaction with patients and my understanding of nursing principles. It would be a thrill to bring my unique attributes to work with the staff at Seniorita Hospital as a Nurse. 

I have no doubt that you will find me to be a well-qualified candidate. I welcome you to reach out by email or phone to arrange an interview at your convenience. Thank you in advance for your time and I look forward to meeting with you.


Anna Fatihah

Lihat Juga : Rekomendasi Ide Nama PT


Nah itulah 30 contoh surat lamaran kerja bahasa Inggris dalam berbagai profesi yang bisa dijadikan referensi agar surat lamaran kerjanya tersusun dengan baik dan benar sehingga dapat panggilan interview. Semoga artikelnya bermanfaat buat kalian semua.

Apa perbedaan antara surat lamaran kerja bahasa Indonesia dan bahasa Inggris?

Perbedaan antara surat lamaran kerja bahasa Indonesia dan bahasa Inggris adalah tata bahasanya karena perlu memerhatikan grammarnya agar susunan kalimatnya benar sedangkan isi dan strukturnya tetap sama.

Apa saja struktur yang perlu diperhatikan dalam menulis surat lamaran kerja?

Tempat tanggal pembuatan surat, Hal dan lampiran, Nama serta jabatan, Alamat perusahaan yang dituju, Salam pembuka, Kata pengantar, Biodata pribadi, Maksud dan tujuan, Pengalaman kerja dan skill, lampiran berkas dan Penutup.

Bagaimana caranya agar surat lamaran kerja dalam bahasa Inggris tertulis dengan baik dan benar?

Perhatikan grammar, pilih contoh yang singkat, padat dan jelas serta perhatikan strukturnya.

Apa saja berkas yang perlu dilampirkan dalam surat lamaran kerja?

Surat lamaran kerja, CV,Ijazah atau SKL, KTP, KK, Sertifikat pendukung dan portofolio.

Apa saja website yang digunakan untuk memeriksa grammar?

Grammarly, Becorrect, Grammar Check, Scribens, Reverso, Language Tool, Grammarix, ProWritingAid, White Smoke, Ginger Online, SpellCheckPlus Pro, Slick Write dan Online Correction.

Penulis : Asiyatul Ulfiyah | Editor : Rudi Dian Arifin, Wahyu Setia Bintara

Asiyatul Ulfiyah

Asiyatul Ulfiyah adalah penulis artikel di web dianisa.com. Saya memiliki minat dalam bidang sosial media, content creator, dan content writer. Namun, tidak menutup kemungkinan untuk bidang yang lain yang dapat meningkatkan kemampuan saya.

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